Database of Disordered Zeolite Structures
  • IZA-SC
  • All Codes
  • Intergrowths
  • Calculated Powder Pattern for Intergrowth EMM-17

    Note: Toggle plots by clicking on the legend

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    Download simulated pattern:
    Data details
    Patterns calculated by
    Hermann Gies
    Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
    Program used: Program used: DIFFaX by Michael M.J. Treacy
    Method: Random stacking of EMM-17_A or EMM-17_B slabs, taking into account the relative percentages of the polymorphs EMM-17_A and EMM-17_B.
    Wavelength: 1.5406Å
    Change wavelength for simulated XRD pattern
    Load your own powder data into this plot
    (accepted formats: 2theta, counts, [esd] (i.e. 2 or 3 values per line)
    separated by commas, tabs or white spaces,
    with or without a title in the first line
    or a header terminted with "-----" on a seperate line (without quotes))

    (1) You can resize the plot by resizing your browser window
    (2) You can zoom in by drawing a rectangle while holding down the left mouse button.