Database of Zeolite Structures
Measured XRD Pattern for PST-35, as-made (PTF)

Data details
Data supplied by
Donghui Jo
Environmental Science and Engineering
POSTECH, Pohang 37673, Korea
Data collection
Instrument used: 6D Beamline, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), Korea
Radiation: Synchroton
Wavelength: 1.522300Å
"Synthesis and structure of the medium-pore zeolite PST-35 with two interconnected cages of unusual orthorhombic shape"
Kemp, K. C., Choi, W., Jo, D., Park, S. H., Hong, S. B.
Chem. Sci., 13, 10455-10460 , (2022)
Special Conditions
as made, hydrated
Diffration data for PST-35, as-made as a text file
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