Database of Zeolite Structures

Framework Type PSI
  *PST-6, dehydrated
    Lee, J.K., Turrina, A., Zhu, L., Seo, S., Zhang, D., Cox, P.A., Wright, P.A., Qiu, S., Hong, S.B.
An aluminophosphate molecular sieve with 36 crystallographically distinct tetrahedral sites
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53, 7480-7483 (2014)
  PST-6, hydrated
    Lee, J.K., Turrina, A., Zhu, L., Seo, S., Zhang, D., Cox, P.A., Wright, P.A., Qiu, S., Hong, S.B.
An aluminophosphate molecular sieve with 36 crystallographically distinct tetrahedral sites
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53, 7480-7483 (2014)
  |(H2O)16| [Al72P72O288]-PSI
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  *  An asterisk (*) in front of the material name indicates that it is the Reference Material