Database of Zeolite Structures
Measured XRD Pattern for ITQ-7, as-made (ISV)

Data details
Data supplied by
Bernd Marler
Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44780 Bochum
Data collection
Instrument used: Siemens D5000 diffractometer with Johansson Ge(111) monochromator
Radiation: Cu K(alpha-1)
Wavelength: 1.540600Å
"Synthesis of ITQ-7 with a new template molecule and its crystal structure analysis in the as synthesized form"
Song, J.Q., Marler, B. and Gies, H.
Compt. Rend. Chimie, 8, 341-352, (2005)
Special Conditions
Borosilicate glass capillary
Data collected at 20K
Diffration data for ITQ-7, as-made as a text file
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