Database of Zeolite Structures

Framework Type JBW

  Authors: Ragimov, K.G., Chiragove, M.I., Mustafaev, N.M. and Mamedov, Kh.S.
  Title: Crystal structure of synthetic sodium-alumosilicate Na3Al3Si3O12·2H2O
  Reference: Sov. Phys. Dokl., 23, 697-698 (1978)
  Authors: Hansen, S. and Fälth, L.
  Title: X-ray study of the nepheline hydrate I structure
  Reference: Zeolites, 2, 162-166 (1982)
  Authors: Rheinhardt, A., Hellner, E. and Ahsbahs, H.
  Reference: Fortsch. Mineral., 60, 175-176 (1982)
  Authors: Healey, A.M., Henry, P.F., Johnson, G.M., Weller, M.T., Webster, M. and Genge, A.J.
  Title: The synthesis and characterisation of JBW-type zeolites. Part B: Sodium/rubidium aluminogermanate, Na2Rb[Al3Ge3O12] · H2O
  Reference: Microporous Mesoporous Mat., 37, 165-174 (2000)
  Authors: Ferraris, C., Parodi, G. C., Pont, S., Rondeau, B., and Lorand, J. P.
  Title: Trinepheline and fabriesite: two new mineral species from the jadeite deposit of Tawmaw (Myanmar)
  Reference: Eur. J. Mineral, 26, 257-265 (2014)
  Authors: Asselman, K.; Radhakrishnan, S.; Pellens, N.; Chandran, C.V.; Houlleberghs, M.; Xu, Y.; Martens, J.A.; Sree, S.P.; Kirschhock, C.E.A.; Breynaert, E.
  Title: HSIL-Based Synthesis of Ultracrystalline K,Na-JBW, a Zeolite Exhibiting Exceptional Framework Ordering and Flexibility
  Reference: Chem. Mater., 34, 7159–7166 (2022)

An asterisk (*) in front of the material name indicates that it is the Type Material