News from the Structure Commission

2013 - 2014

16-Sep-14 Seven new Framework Type Codes have been approved
  IFW Type material: ITQ-52
        Simancas, R., Jorda, J.L., Rey, F., Corma, A., Cantin, A., Peral, I. and Popescu, C.
          "A New Microporous Zeiolitic Silicoborate (ITQ-52) with interconnected Small and Medium Pores"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 3342-3345 (2014)
  IFY Type material: ITQ-50
        Jorda, J.L., Rey, F., Sastre, G., Valencia, S., Palomino, M., Corma, A., Segura, A., Errandonea, D., Lacomba, R., Manjon, F.J., Gomis, O., Kleppe, A.K., Jephcoat, A.P., Amboage, M. and Rodriguez-Velamazan, J.A.
          "Synthesis of a of a Novel Zeolite through a Pressure-Induced Reconstructive Phase Transition Process"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 10458-10462 (2013)
  *-ITN Type material: ITQ-39
        Wilhammar, T., Sun, J., Wan, W., Oleynikov, P., Zhang, D., Zou, X., Moliner, M., Gonzalez, J., Martinez, C., Rey, F. and Corma, A.
          "Structure and catalytic properties of the most complex intergrown zeolite ITQ-39 determined by electron crystallography"
Nature Chem. 4, 188-194 (2012)
  IRN Type material: ITQ-49
        Hernandez-Rodriguez, M., Jorda, J. L., Rey, F. and Corma, A.
          "Synthesis and Structure Determination of a New Microporous Zeolite with Large Cavities Connected by Small Pores"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 13232-13235, (2012)
  POS Type material: PKU-16
        Hua, W., Chen, H., Yu, Z.-B., Zou, X., Lin, J. and Sun, J.
          "A Germanosilicate Structure with 11x11x12-Ring Channels Solved by Electron Crystallography"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 5868-5871 (2014)
  *-SSO Type material: SSZ-61
        Smeets, S., Xie, D., Baerlocher, Ch., McCusker, L.B., Wan, W., Zou, X. and Zones, S.I.
          "High-Silica Zeolite SSZ-61 with Dumbbell-Shaped Extra-Large-Pore Channels"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 10398-10402 (2014)
  UOV Type material: IM-17
        Lorgouilloux, Y., Dodin, M., Mugnaioli, E., Marichal, C., Caullet, P., Bats, N., Kolb, U. and Paillaud, J.-L.
          "IM-17: a new zeolitic material, synthesis and structure elucidation from electron diffraction ADT data and Rietveld analysis"
RSC Adv. 4, 19440-19449 (2014)
5-May-14 Channel system search added to the Database of Zeolite Structures
    Christian Baerlocher has been busy! He has updated the database to include the channel system descriptions and ring drawings for the framework types that have been approved since the printed edition of the Atlas of Zeolite Framework Types appeared in 2007. At the same time, he added a new feature to the "Advanced Search" function. It is now possible to search for the maximum diameter of a sphere that can diffuse through the framework These have already been implemented on the ETH and ASU servers, and will appear shortly on the new Leuven and Stockholm ones.
17-Mar-14 Developments in the Database of Zeolite Structures
    There are now four active servers for the Database of Zeolite Structures. These are maintained in Zürich, Switzerland, Tempe, AZ, USA, Stockholm, Sweden and Leuven, Belgium. When you enter the database via, you will be linked automatically to the nearest available server.
    The Natural Tilings that occur in at least two framework types are now listed for each framework type in addition to the pdf file showing the arrangement of the tiles. Drawings of all of these tiles can be found by clicking on "Natural Tiling" for any framework type.
28-Jan-14 Five new Framework Type Codes have been approved
  AFV Type material: ZnAlPO-57
        Broach, R.W., Greenlay, N., Jakubszak, P., Knight, L.M., Miller, S.R., Mowat, J.P.S., Stanczyk, J. and Lewis, G.J.
          "New ABC-6 net molecular sieves ZnAPO-57 and ZnAPO-59: framework charge density-induced transition from two- to three-dimensional porosity"
Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 189, 49-63 (2014)
  AVL Type material: ZnAlPO-59 (AlPO Seven Layer Structure)
        Broach, R.W., Greenlay, N., Jakubszak, P., Knight, L.M., Miller, S.R., Mowat, J.P.S., Stanczyk, J. and Lewis, G.J.
          "New ABC-6 net molecular sieves ZnAPO-57 and ZnAPO-59: framework charge density-induced transition from two- to three-dimensional porosity"
Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 189, 49-63 (2014)
  EEI Type material: SSZ-45 (ERS-18 (eighteen))
        Zanardi, S., Millini, R., Frigerio, F, Belloni, A., Cruciani, G., Bellussi, G., Carati, A., Rizzo, C. and Montanari, E.
          "ERS-18: a new member of the NON-EUO-NES zeolite family"
Microporous Mesoporous Mat. 143, 6-13 (2011)
        Smeets, S., Xie, D., McCusker, L.B., Baerlocher, Ch., Zones, S.I., Thompson, J.A., Lacheen, H., Huang, H.-M.
          "SSZ-45: a molecular sieve with large cavities and small pore openings"
personal communication
  -IRY Type material: ITQ-40
        Corma, A., Díaz-Cabañas, M.J., Rey, F., Afeworki, M., Dorset, D.L., Soled, S.L., Strohmaier, K.G.
          "A new extra-large pore zeolite (ITQ-40) with the lowest framework density containing doube four and double three-rings"
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 107, 13997-14002, (2010)
  ITG Type material: ITQ-38
        Moliner, M., Willhammar, T., Wan, W., González, J., Rey, F., Jorda, J.L., Zou, X., Corma, A.
          "Synthesis design and structure of a new multipore zeolite with interconnected 12- and 10-MR channels"
J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 134, 6473-6478, (2012)
25-Oct-13 The newly elected officers of the Structure Commission are
    Mike Treacy, Chairperson
Karl Strohmaier, Co-chairperson
15-Jul-13 At the IZC in Moscow, Russia, the Structure Commission
    welcomed three new members
      Vladislav Blatov
Berndt Marler
German Sastre
    and thanked three retiring members for their service
      Martin Foster (2007-2013)
Hermann Gies (1989-2013)
Michael O'Keeffe (2004-2013)
4-Jul-2013 Seven new Framework Type Codes have been approved
  IFO Type material: ITQ-51
        Martinez-Franco, R., Moiner, M., Yun, Y., Sun, J., Wan, W., Zou, X. and Corma, A.
          "Synthesis of an extra-large molecular sieve using proton sponges as organic structure-directing agents"
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.. 110, 3749-3754 (2013)
  ITT Type material: ITQ-33
        Corma, A., Diaz-Cabanas, M.J., Jorda, J.L., Martinez, C. and Moliner, M.
          "High-throughput synthesis and catalytic properties of a molecular sieve with 18- and 10-member rings"
Nature, 443, 842-845 (2006)
          private communication
  JSR Type material: JU-64
        Xu, Y., Li, Y., Han, Y., Song, X. and Yu, J.
          "A gallogermanate zeolite with eleven-membered-ring channels"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.. 52, 5501-5503 (2013)
  OKO Type material: COK-14
        Verheyen, E., Joos, L., Van Havebergh, K., Breynaert, E., Kasian, N., Gobichiya, E., Houthoofd, K., Martineau, C., Hinterstein, M., Taulelle, F., Van speybroeck, V., Waroquier, M., Bals, S., Van Tendeloo, G., Kirschhock, C.E.A. and Martens, J.A.
          "Design of zeolite by inverse sigma transofrmation""
Nature Mater.. 11, 1059-1064 (2012)
  SEW Type material: SSZ-82
        Xie, D., McCusker, L.B. and Baerlocher, Ch.
          "Structure of the boroslicate zeolite catalst SSZ-82 solved using 2D-XPD charge flipping"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 20604-20610 (2011)
  SFW Type material: SSZ-52
        Xie, D., McCusker, L.B., Baerlocher, Ch., Zones, S.I., Wan, W. ad Zou, X.
          "SSZ-52, a zeolite with an 18-laer aluminosilicate framework structure related to that of the deNOx catalyst Cu-SSZ-13"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2013) doi: 10.1021/ja4043615
  SVV Type material: SSZ-77
        Earl, D.J., Burton, A.W., Rea, T., Ong, K., Deem, M.W., Hwang, S.J. and Zones, S.I.
          "Synthesis and Monte Carlo structure determination of SSZ-77: a new zeolite topology"
J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 9099-9105 (2008)
        McCusker, L.B., Baerlocher, Ch., Burton, A.W. and Zones, S.I.
          "A re-examination of the structure of the germanosilicate zeolite SSZ-77"
Solid State Sci. 13, 800-805 (2011)
6-May-13 More secure 3D display in the Database of Zeolite Structures
  Christian Baerlocher has implemented a new version of the software for displaying animated framework drawings in the Database of Zeolite Structures. It is based on JSmol, which is an HTML5-only verson of Jmol, and no longer requires that Java (a security risk) be installed on your computer. Furthermore, the animated drawings will now work on mobile devices that support javascript (e.g. iPad, iPhone, Android devices). All of the features of the previous version are still available, but the performance, especially for the surface calculations, is slower. The previous version is still available for users who require the faster performance (just click on the button "use JAVA").
8-Feb-13 The new framework types have been added to the Database of Zeolite Structures
News from other years

Current 2019-


last updated: 20-September-2024