News from the Structure Commission

2017 - 2018

20-Aug-18 Six new Framework Type Codes have been approved
  MRT Type material: ZSM-43
        Willhammar, T., Su, J., Yun, Y. Zou, X.D., Afeworki, M., Weston, S.C., Vroan, H.B., Lonergan, W.W. and Strohmaier, K.G.
          "High-throughput synthesis and structure of zeolite ZSM-43 with two-directional 8-ring channels"
Inorg. Chem. 56, 8856-8864 (2017)
  *PCS Type material: IPC-6
        Morris, A.A., Bignami, G.P.M., Tian, Y., Navarro, M., Firth, D.S., Cejka, J., Wheatley, P.S., Dawson, D.M., Slawinski, W.A., Wragg, D.S., Morris, R.E. and Ashbrook, S.E.
          "In situ solid-state NMR and XRD studies of the ADOR process and the unusual structure of zeolite IPC-6"
Nature Chem. 9, 1012-1018 (2017)
  POR Type material: PST-14
        Seo, S., Yang, T., Shin, J., Jo, D., Zou, X. and Hong, S.B.
          "Two aluminophosphate molecular sieves built from pairs of enantiomeric structural building units"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 3727-3732 (2018)
  PWO Type material: PST-21
        Jo, D., Park, G.T., Shin, J.and Hong, S.B.
          `"A zeolite family nonjointly built from the 1,3-stellated cubic building unit"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 2199-2203 (2018)
  PWW Type material: PST-22
        Jo, D., Park, G.T., Shin, J.and Hong, S.B.
          "A zeolite family nonjointly built from the 1,3-stellated cubic building unit"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 2199-2203 (2018)
  *UOE Type material: IM-18
        Cichocka, M.O., Lorgouilloux, Y., Smeets, S., Su, J., Wan, W., Caullet, P., Bats, N., McCusker, L.B., Paillaud, J.L. and Zou, X.D.
          "Multidimensional disorder in zeolite IM-18 revealed by combining transmission electron microscopy and X-ray powder diffraction analyses"
Crystal Growth Des. 18, 2441-2451 (2018)
15-May-18 Four new Framework Type Codes have been approved
  *CTH Type material: CIT-13
        Kang, J.H., Xie, D., Zones, S.I., Smeets, S., McCusker, L.B. and Davis, M.E.
          "Synthesis and characterization of CIT-13, a germanosilicate molecular sieve with extra-large pore openings"
Chem. Mater. 28, 6250-6259 (2016)
  SOR Type material: SCM-14
        Luo, Y., Smeets, S., Peng, F., Etman, A.S., Wang, Z., Sun, J. and Yang, W.
          "Synthesis and structure determination of large-pore zeolite SCM-14"
Chem. Eur. J. 23, 16829-16834 (2017)
  *-SVY Type material: SSZ-70
        Smeets, S., Berkson, Z.J., Xie, D., Zones, S.I., Wan, W., Zou, X., Hsieh M.-F., Chmelka, B.F., McCusker, L.B. and Baerlocher, Ch.
          "Well-defined silanols in the structure of the calcined high-silica zeolite SSZ-70: new understanding of a successful catalytic material"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 16803-16812 (2017)
  YFI Type material: YNU-5
        Nakazawa, N., Ikeda, T., Hiyoshi, N., Yoshida, Y., Han, Q., Inagaki, S. and Kubota, Y.
          "A microporous aluminosilicate with 12-, 12- and 8-ring pores and isolated 8-ring channels"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 7989-7997 (2017)
15-Aug-17 The Database of Zeolite Structures continues to develop
Several features have been added to the database recently:

      The origin of the type material name and the derivation of the associated three letter code has been added to the Type Material page.

      The number of topologically distinct T-atoms in the idealized framework structure has been added as a search option on the Advanced Search/Channel System page.

      The dropdown menus now work on mobile devices as well.

    Older framework drawings are being replaced by newer ones as time permits (42 done so far).

  Many thanks to our users for the suggestions and to our Database guru Christian Baerlocher for their implementation!
18-Jul-17 Three new Framework Type Codes have been approved
  -IFT Type material: ITQ-53
        Yun, Y., Hernandez, M., Wan, W., Zou, X., Jorda, J.L., Cantin, A., Rey, F. and Corma, A.
          "The first zeolite with a tridirectional extra-large 14-ring pore system derived using a phosponium-based organic molecule"
Chem. Commun. 51, 7602-7605 (2015)
  SWY Type material: STA-20
        Turrina, A., Garcia, R., Watts, A.E., Greer, H.F., Bradley, J., Zhou, W., Cox, P.A., Shannon, M.D., Mayoral, A., Casci, J.L. and Wright, P.A.
          "STA-20: an ABC-6 zeotype structure prepared by co-templating and solved via a hypothetical structure database and STEM-ADF imaging"
Chem. Mater. 29, 2180-2190 (2017)
  EWS Type material: EMM-26
        Guo, P., Strohmaier, K., Vroman, H., Afeworki, M., Ravikovitch, P.I., Paur, C.S., Sun, J., Burton, A. and Zou, X.
          "Accurate structure determination of a borosilicate zeolite EMM-26 with two-dimensional 10x10 ring channels using rotation electron diffraction"
Inorg. Chem. Front. 3, 1444-1448 (2016)
17-Mar-17 The fully revised version of the Database of Zeolite Structures launched
    Christian Baerlocher and his database team have completely revised the Database of Zeoltie Structures on the web. The navigation system has been streamlined and several new features have been added. Check it out!
News from other years

Current 2019-

last updated: 20-September-2024